The further adventures of The 13 Clocks puppet-stars

Since the closing of The 13 Clocks in 2011, puppet-stars Zorn and Saralinda (designed by Chelsea Warren) have been resting quietly in velvety-royal fleece bags in a cozily padded shoebox in Lifeline storage.

But St. John’s Episcol Church was casting for their Epiphany Pageant (interweaving the traditional story of the birth of Jesus, the three kings and Herod with real life epiphanies of the congregation of St. John’s. And the roles of JESUS and MARY were available. Zorn and Saralinda were roused from their rest, Christina Calvit took them to the audition and the Lifeliners got the roles!

Pictured here are Zorn as Jesus and Saralinda as Mary, dressed in their regalia for the pageant. The photo shoot took place on the altar itself! (The stage where they performed was a bit too dark.) They performed their roles brilliantly and were a huge hit!

So the show is over (again). But Zorn and Saralinda got to keep their costumes and wear them home. They are back in their velvety-royal fleece in their special shoebox, further cushioned this time by their Jesus-wear and by the false pregnancy pad that Saralinda wore to play Mary.

Zorn and Saralinda are puppets designed to resemble Joey deBettencourt and Millie Langford (who played the life-size versions) in The 13 Clocks.

While their “mini-me” twins were across town at St John’s, their live action counter-parts, Joey and Millie, have not been left on the shelf either. Joey has been playing in Punk Rock at Griffin Theatre and Millie Langford was in The Ghost Is Here at Vitalist Theatre.

Dorothy Milne
Artistic Director